Think Before Lifting

 Today's Safety Sunday tip is: THINK before Lifting!

Every day, each of us has to pick up an object physically. It could be as small as a delivery package left on your home's porch, or it could be as large as an awkwardly-shaped piece of equipment in a port yard. Regardless, both of these instances could cause an injury if proper lifting technique is not practiced. Lifting and handling objects requires you to stop and  THINK before taking action.

Ask yourself, does this object really need moving? That's right. My point here is that when you plan your work ahead of time, it may very well keep you from unnecessary tasks and consequential injuries. Plan your work and work your plan!

Some of the fundamental things to consider before making a manual lift of an object include:

  • Size up the item or object. Find out what it weighs before lifting. If that's not possible, then you may need to consider getting help. Don't try to be a Superman or Superwoman. They are only TV characters, and they always walk away unscathed.
  • Walk the pathway where you plan on relocating the object before lifting it. Make sure it's free of obstacles, sharp corners, tripping hazards, unlevel ground, or other obstacles.
  • Once you're ready to make the lift, let a family member or co-worker know that you've decided to move the load manually. Taking this step ensures that someone knows where you are in case an injury occurs.
  • Once you are ready to make the lift, inspect the load for any sharp edges or jagged pieces that may protrude and pose a potential injury.
  • As you begin your lift, keep the load close to your body.
  • Make sure you bend your knees and keep your back as straight as possible while lifting.
  • Use the power of your leg muscles as you raise the object upwards and into the position you are going to carry it.
  • Never raise an object above your head manually by yourself. Find an extra set of hands or, better yet, get a mechanical means to lift the object. Better safe than sorry!

Despite the industrialized world we live in, many jobs still require manual handling of materials. Whether at home or work, almost all jobs require some manual handling of an object. Be anchored to safety by reducing your exposure levels during a manual lifting job... just THINK before Lifting!