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Captain Clyde's Safety Pin #21: Stay Ahead of Workplace Stress

Stay Ahead of Workplace Stress

Today's Safety Sunday Tip is: Stay Ahead of Workplace Stress!

The psychological effects of stress seriously reduce the life quality of our employees. Some common symptoms of stress include:

  • Feeling overwhelmed, frustrated, worried, or guilty
  • Being irritable or unhappy
  • Losing confidence and decisiveness
  • Having negative or racing thoughts
  • Memory issues

I encourage you and your team to promote a healthy lifestyle and create a stress-free environment at work. Managers are responsible for creating a healthy workplace because stressful environments mean the workplace is not safe- and managers are always responsible for safety.

To act in these situations, you need to identify the risk factors that cause stress for your employees. Take time to identify job stressors and then take real, definitive steps to minimize them.

After that, you need to make sure you know how to approach individuals while preserving their right to privacy and ensuring they don't feel threatened. People who feel threatened have a much higher level of anxiety, which could cause them to react negatively.

Be anchored to safety and stay ahead of workplace stress!

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